Wedding gifts. Those two words can send any guest into a mini crisis. What to give to the newlyweds? How much to spend? What do they need?
Wedding gifts used to be very simple. Brides & Grooms didn't tend to live together before marriage so wedding gifts consisted of the things they would need to set up home together for the very first time. Kettles, toasters, place mats, vases. But as time has evolved, as relationships have evolved, so has the desired items on a Bride & Grooms wedding gift list.
Now don't get me wrong, there are still the wedding gift lists that are “old-school”. Couples still send out a little card in their invitations with the “Gift List Reference Number” from John Lewis or Selfridges with their desired wok or wine glass selections on. I like these personally. It's useful; there's no guessing what the Bride & Groom want or need, you can choose how much you want to spend and ultimately you know you can't go wrong. What do you think?
In the next breath, the rising popularity of “Wishing Wells” is something to be discussed. A (very) common thing for Brides & Grooms to do now is to include a small poem requesting a monetary gift on their wedding day (e.g. “If you were thinking of giving a gift to help us on our way, a gift of cash towards our house would really make our day”); there is usually then some form of wedding post box or aforementioned wishing well that the envelopes containing said gift are put in to. This is simple, easy & you can't get it wrong. Or can you? How much is the "right" amount to give as a wedding gift? What do you use as the bench mark? Does the amount alter with who you are in relation to the Bride & Groom?
So I guess my question is what do you prefer? Do you prefer the pre-selected gift list or being able to pop some money into a card and job done? Or do you really throw caution to the wind and select something from you to them; your choice, something with meaning, something not decided for you?